A number of doors stand ajar for Shooting Stars participant Shari Comeagain, after news the youngster has been offered a place at the University of Western Australia.
Comeagain has been part of Shooting Stars for the past two years, a program that uses netball as the vehicle to encourage greater engagement and attendance at school of young Aboriginal girls living in WA’s remote communities.
The daunting notion of a 450km journey from Mullewa has been softened with Comeagain set to stay at St Catherine’s, a residential college, offering on-campus accommodation for university students.
“The support room that’s there for the Indigenous students, it’s good because you’re all in the same boat,” she said.
While, she is yet to lock in a decision on her future study plans, the 17-year-old believes the opportunity can help her find a way to assist a range of communities in the future.
The Mullewa student believes her involvement with Shooting Stars has facilitated in helping her to make the most of her potential.
“The support means you can talk to someone about university and everything, they’re there to help you and their opinions matter.”
“They don’t give up on you if you have a dream, they will help you and support you with it.”
Mullewa is one of the eight Shooting Stars sites across Western Australia, with aspirations to work with 20 schools by the end of 2021.