Deadly Minds Matter

The Deadly Minds Matter program (formerly known as Seven Sisters), will provide Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander girls and women with opportunities to develop positive social and emotional wellbeing skills and preventative mental health strategies, which will enable them to respond and adapt to emerging challenges as they progress through the life course. 

The program was successfully piloted in Narrogin in 2020, and has now been implemented across all Shooting Stars sites with our Year 5 & 6 students. 2022 has seen the mental health and wellbeing program adapted for high school students and rolled out across the Shooting Stars sites.

To view the program's 2021 Annual Report, hit the link below.
Annual Report

So, what is Deadly Minds Matter?

Through yarning with our participants from 2016-2018, Shooting Stars identified some recurring themes as barriers for school attendance across our sites including negative relationships with peers or staff, emotional regulation and bullying.

We knew we had to address this in order to continue working towards our goal of empowered Aboriginal girls, so we started working on a program that would provide the girls with the skills required to manage and deal with these every day stresses.

Over the 10-week program, participants will learn how to recognise and name their emotions, they will develop strategies for cheering themselves up or calming down. As well as developing emotional regulation in situations, the participants will also learn how to develop and build healthy relationships both on and off the court. 

The program has been developed in line with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives of social and emotional health – which applies a holistic model of connection to seven different spheres of life: culture, land, physical self, mental self, community, family/kinship and ancestors/spirituality. Characters were designed to reflect these spheres to allow participants to affiliate and connect with at least one character.  

The program finishes with a community netball match event, open to families and the wider community to support the participants. The event is also an opportunity for local Aboriginal health service providers to engage with the participants and build connections.

Shooting Stars engaged Charlotte Allingham, a Wiradjuri artist, based in Melbourne to produce character artworks to signify the seven spheres of life. The artwork is representative of the program, but also our participants - strong, young women who are finding themselves and working out who they are.

Health Service Providers

The Deadly Minds Matter program helps our participants break down barriers so they feel comfortable accessing health services in their community. Below are the Aboriginal Health Service Providers available in each of the communities we operate in.

Boab Health
Local Drug Action Group
Youth Service

Boab Health
Mangkaja Arts
Marra Worra Worra
Mururra Support
Yanunijarra Women's Coordination

360 Health
Local Drug Action Group

Health and Drug Service
Kimberley Language Resource Centre
Yura Yungi Medical Service

- Sexual health
- Women’s health checks
- TIS Education
- FASD Education
- Social and emotional wellbeing support

Anglicare WA

Amity Health
Avon Youth
Holy Oake
Moorditj Youth
Narrogin Youth
Youth Focus