Community Development Coordinators for Netball WA’s Shooting Stars program have spent the week at the State Netball Centre as they prepare to deliver the education initiative across 7 separate rural and remote schools.
Shooting Stars, an initiative of Netball WA and Glass Jar, aims to use netball as the vehicle to encourage greater engagement and attendance at school of young Aboriginal girls living in WA’s remote communities and regional towns.
Coordinators Helen Ockerby (Kimberley region), Rose Whitau (Mid West Gascoyne region) and Youth Worker Rachel Kloske (Meekatharra) spent time with all Netball WA departments ahead of travelling to their respective regions next week.
The meetings enabled the new staff to better understand their roles within the organisation and how they can work with staff from a variety of departments in order to best deliver Shooting Stars for the benefit of it’s participants.
The trio also attended a training session that assisted in understanding trauma and positive behaviours strategy, an important element of the work they will conduct as part of the program.
“It’s been an incredibly valuable experience meeting with staff and stakeholders across the week,” Netball WA’s General Manager of Indigenous Programs, Fran Haintz said.
“We’ve succeeded in equipping all three ladies with the tools and information necessary to drive what will be one of the most significant developments for Western Australia’s female Indigenous community in recent years.”
Shooting Stars is proudly supported by the Australian Government.