22 participants have descended on Yawuru Country (Broome) for the Shooting Stars Junior Leadership Camp.
Targeting Year 5 – 7 participants across all sites, the camp is to connect, reward and inspire participants through a mixture of activities designed to educate, engage and empower.
The participants who were chosen for the camp have demonstrated exemplary behaviour, leadership potential and improved school attendance.
Shooting Stars Pathways Coordinator, Talicia Jetta, said these camps are extremely important for the younger participants to develop their leadership capability and capacity.
“During the camp, the participants are immersed in a range of activities including cultural experiences with a focus on the importance of teamwork and leadership,” said Jetta.
“After the camp, our girls return to their communities taking with them a network of like-minded people from all over the state, a strengthened cultural identity and the inspiration to be a role model within their community.”
The Shooting Stars Leadership Program helps close the gap for young Aboriginal women leaders by strengthening participant’s positive profile and developing their leadership skills. By developing local role models, the Leadership Program inspires future community success.