Lotterywest grant assists in Seven Sisters growth plan

Shooting Stars are proud to announce a recent Lotterywest grant, presented by the Member for Nedlands, Dr Katrina Stratton, at Gold Netball Centre on Wednesday.
The significant grant from Lotterywest will assist in building the capacity of the Seven Sisters team, supporting the development and delivery of the Seven Sisters Senior Program at six Shooting Stars sites in Derby, Halls Creek, Fitzroy Crossing, Kununurra, Carnarvon, and Collie in 2022-23.
Speaking with the Shooting Stars team on Wednesday, Dr Stratton spoke to the inspiring nature of the Seven Sisters program.
“I am inspired by the work of the Seven Sisters program and how it helps to build their participation in the community, their resilience and their emotional skills. It also allows them to develop their relationships with each other through sport which then flows through to everything else they do.”
Seven Sisters is a ten-week program that teaches participants how to recognise and name their emotions, develop strategies for cheering themselves up or calming down, and learn how to build healthy relationships, both on and off the netball court. Developing positive social and emotional wellbeing skills and preventative mental health strategies, will enable participants to respond and adapt to emerging challenges as they progress through life.
The program, which draws on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives of social and emotional wellbeing, was successfully piloted in Narrogin in 2020, and in 2021 was implemented across all Shooting Stars sites for Year 5 & 6 participants. During 2022 the Seven Sisters will be adapted and delivered to Senior participants in Years 7-9 and 10-12.
Community Investment Manager, Melanie McKee, is proud that Shooting Stars will continue its positive journey with Lotterywest, after a successful history together.
“We are thrilled to once again receive the support of Lotterywest with such a significant grant for the Seven Sisters Program. We appreciate their trust in our ability to deliver meaningful projects in regional Western Australia.
Through such partnerships Shooting Stars will continue to positively impact the lives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander girls and women.”
The WA Government, through Lotterywest, supports community projects, such as the Seven Sisters program, helping to build a better WA together.