Art with the Stars Walyalup Exhibition Launch

Last Wednesday was a night filled with connection and appreciation. Partners, supporters and friends were welcomed to join our full Shooting Stars team as we celebrated the opening of the Art with the Stars Exhibition at the WA Shipwrecks Museum in Walyalup (Fremantle).
Art with the Stars is an enrichment program derived from the Shooting Stars evidence base, and in this program, participants have collaborated with local Aboriginal artists, as they connect to culture through art making. Each piece of art, brought to Walyalup from Halls Creek, Carnarvon, Collie, Mullewa, Kiara College and Fitzroy Crossing, is a narrative in its own right. These powerful pieces offer a window into the unique perspectives and incredible stories of the young artists in the Shooting Stars program.
For our metro-based partners, supporters and friends, this was an opportunity to learn more about the impacts, achievements and significance of Shooting Stars.
Guests arrived to refreshing mocktails and the soulful sounds of Rhys Bedford and his guitar at Bathers Beach House on Wednesday evening, and formalities began with a Welcome to Country from Glass Jar Australia Board Director, Dr Richard Walley. Executive Officer, Helen Ockerby addressed the room, followed by Operations Manager, Latoya Bolton-Black and Research Manager, Dr Rose Whitau.
Special guest speakers, Honey Webb and Stevie Anderson shared their insights with the room, as artists who have worked with Shooting Stars participants for the Art with the Stars program.
For the rest of the evening, attendees were guided over to the Shipwrecks Museum, where they were stunned by the artwork on display. They were also encouraged to take part in a weaving workshop with Stevie, which, from many accounts, was difficult to leave!
A huge thank you to our Art with the Stars program and exhibition sponsors: Centurion, the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries, Lotterywest, the Australian Government in partnership with the Foundation for Rural & Regional Renewal, UnLtd, and the Western Australian Museum.
Additionally, while this event celebrated the exhibition launch, it was also to honour the generous support of all Shooting Stars partners, sponsors and supporters. Thank you to all of those who were able to attend - we hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!
Following the event, countless members of the Shooting Stars team expressed their immense pride in the evening. Our hearts were full.
The exhibition will be showing at the Shipwrecks Museum in Fremantle until the 28th of April, 2024.